Google 的串流音樂

Google hints at Play Music for other platforms, says YouTube integration 'likely'

Google today announced Play Music All Access, a music service with subscription features that competes with Spotify and Rdio — building on Google's existing music store and cloud service that competes with iTunes and Amazon. That's a compelling mix of features, but Google still faces plenty of challenges as it attempts to establish itself as a credible competitor in the rapidly changing music space.


Apple 有 iTunes 賣音樂,要弄個 iRadio 又得瞻前顧後,免得兄弟鬩牆。Spotify 只租不賣,已經另闢蹊徑找到線上賣音樂外可行的商業模式,更不可能再回頭自找麻煩。

Google 財大氣粗,又沒包袱,的確是目前檯面上可放手一搏的咖。另外一個則是老牌的 Microsoft,雖然後者有多次的慘痛經驗(還記得 Zune 吧,不過可別忘了他還有 XBox )。

文中提到的幾個問題的確也都是 Google 要面對和解決的:跨系統和社群整合等。就讓我們看下去吧…

◆ Feature Image from Unsplash by William Iven